Learning with Videos
Reading Rainbow is back!
Reading Rainbow is now available for DVD rental through Netflix. If you are interested in choosing an episode to enrich something you are studying, you can find a description of each episode at KCET. Some of the older episodes stream here and new episodes are being created for streaming here. They are also offering a subscription to Skybrary, which is worth a look. It offers an interactive digital library of hand-curated over 500 children's books and 150 video field trips. Here, you can become a "Reading Rainbow Reviewer" (sort of). WatchKnowLearn Video Links
"The vision behind WatchKnowLearn is simple: To provide a world-class, online domain on which educators can store, categorize, and rate the best, K - 12 educational videos on the Internet today. And to make this service FREE so teachers, parents and students everywhere may have access to those videos. The videos are the highest quality found on the Internet, cover all major educational topics from elementary to secondary schools (or age range 1 – 18), and are Kid Safe because they are vetted by teachers." (from the website) Movie Sheets for the Classroom
"Movie Sheets contains one of the largest databases of classroom movie worksheets on the net. These worksheets are based on films that teachers have viewed then subsequently created film guides for. These film sheets have been tested within the classroom. Showing videos and the occasional Hollywood film in the classroom is an innovative way to demonstrate concepts and expose common misconceptions while providing a thought provoking change of pace for students." (from the website) Teach With Movies provides lesson plans and movie recommendations for using film in class. They offer worksheets to go with movies . Discussion questions, background information, internet links and more are available, all for free. According to their website, they are: "the premiere site on the Internet showing teachers how to create lesson plans using movies and film. Thousands of teachers use movies in their classes to teach social studies, English, Science, Health, and the Arts."
Homeschooling with NetflixA Facebook group called "Homeschooling with Netflix" has provided a PDF document with an extensive list of videos, listed by academic topic . It can be saved to your computer or printed out. For regular updates, anyone can join the Facebook page, but the administrators review and approve new members to make sure they are not spammers.. Netflix is constantly changing their offerings, so any listing of their movies can be out of date very quickly.
Search Netflix by Topic
Over at the site What's on Netflix?, they say, "One of the complaints we often hear from our users is they actually spend more time looking for content rather than watching it. This quick little Netflix hack aims to help fix this problem. How this works is you grab the url from the Netflix search page: http://www.netflix.com/WiAltGenre?agid=INSERTNUMBER Simply insert the number of the specific category you want to view. You can find the categories HERE if you scroll down. The page as it will be updated when new categories are added." Give it a try! Netflix Academy
This collection of resources, (with no legal ties to Netflix) is a bit inaptly named as it houses links to video offerings from Amazon, Hulu, youTube, along with Netflix. At this time, in late 2014, the offerings are a bit thin, but growing. They seem to be carefully culled to be appropriate for the whole family. I expect, as this is a new site, that the offerings will continue to grow over time. As with the site just below, these providers change their offerings very often, and no list on the internet is able to keep up with it perfectly, so expect to find some dead links. |
History Videos for Kids
Over at Brookdale House, they created a gallery of history videos for kids! "These videos cover the four year history cycle–ancient history, medieval history, early modern history, and modern history. Our galleries of videos were created by researching the BEST YouTube history videos for kids that we could find." (from the website) Paula's Archives: History Movies
Paula's Archives provides a chronological list of movies tied to eras of history. THese movies used to rentable from "Mentura", a family friendly organization, which no longer exists. As always, preview videos that meet the needs and value system of your family. 100 YouTube Channels for Teachers
The folks over at Online Courses have compiled a list of incredibly useful YouTube channels from sites like Smithsonian. "Plenty of universities, nonprofits, organizations, museums and more post videos for the cause of education both in and out of schools. The following list compiles some of the ones most worthy of attention, as they feature plenty of solid content appealing to their respective audiences and actively try to make viewers smarter." (from the website) Video lists from Facebook Group:
Hopefully Homeschooling This list is provided by a mom over at the Facebook group: Hopefully Homeschooling. Join them for lots of support in your unique homeschooling journey. NETFLIX shows: ~Nature's Weirdest Events ~Cosmos" A Spacetime Odyssey ~Blue Planet: Natural History of the Oceans ~Myth Hunters ~National Geographic: Amazing Planet ~Mankind: The Story of All of Us ~Off Limits Collection ~Discover Planet Ocean ~Ken Burns: The National Parks ~Life In Our Universe ~Space: Unravelling the Cosmos ~The Life of Mammals ~Weird or What (I LOVE this one) ~The Bible ~Nova: Hunting the Elements ~The inexplicable Universe ~Ken Burns: The West ~Ken Burns: The Civil War ~Ken Burns: Prohibition ~Telsa: Master of Lightning ~Nova: Decoding Neanderthals ~Doomsday Preppers (this really wakes them up & makes them think!) ~Mystery Files: Abraham Lincoln ~The Magic School Bus (for my 4th grader) ~Destination Truth ~Drugs, Inc. ~Most Amazing Moments ~American Experience: Henry Ford ~911: In Plane Site ~Lewis & Clark : Great Journey West ~Death & The Civil War ~The Book of Daniel ~The Book of Esther ~Secret Weapon of the Confederacy ~For the Bible Tells Me So ~Mysteries at the Museum Collection ~Brain Games (LOVE LOVE LOVE this show!) ~Fields of Valor ~The Passion of the Christ ~Nature: Animal Odd Couples ~Nature: What Plants Talk About ~Unstoppable ~Monarchy (U.K.) ~Hiroshima: BBC History of World War II ~Viking Apocalypse ~Louder than a Bomb (Great one!) |